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In February I spent a happy week at Adelaide Writers Week in Australia. For one of my events I was interviewed by Robin Williams, a household name in Australia, as he hosts the weekly The Science Show on ABC radio. Later, we did a long interview too, some of which is here.

I did a video for BBC ideas, on the wonderful, curious world of blood. Here it is.

I'm doing an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on Reddit books on February 20 at 3pm UK time, 10am US Eastern. The procedure is simple: you go here, and ask me anything.

I think I last appeared on NPR Science Friday when The Big Necessity came out. So, ten years ago. It's an honour to be invited, and I think Ira Flatow, the host, is a wonderful presenter. Genial, warm, interested. So that an interview feels like a conversation not an interrogation. Also, he remembers Hemo the Magnificent! Link to the programme is here

Little Atoms is an excellent podcast, and Neil Denny is a host professional enough to be a fine interviewer even when he had only just received a copy of the book. Here we are talking leeches, periods, and I think a bit of Janet Vaughan.

I did a Q&A with Seth Ferranti of Vice about blood and money, here

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